Family Photos
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  If you would like to share some family photos past or present, here is the place! 
Who doesn't like looking at pictures of the grandchildren!
Please include your NAME... at the beginning so we know who posted the photo!
Check your typing, you can not go back and update. Contact us and we will make the change.
NOTE: If your photo appears sideways or upside down, down't worry, we will fix it!

Lincoln Duncanson… This photo was taken Jan 1970. My wife, Ellen Latterell from Golden Valley (22 at time of photo) and I (19 at time of photo) were married 1/17/1970. We met at the University of Minnesota, both students in a speech class. Now, nearly 52 years later, we have 4 children and 9 grandchildren. We live in the country in western Wisconsin.
(Click on an image to view at full size.)
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